Our Story
17 Years
Existence To Nodal Tech Hub For North Karnataka Entrepreneurs
17 Years Journey
Existence To Nodal Tech Hub For North Karnataka Entrepreneurs

The KLE CTIE owes its success to unwavering support from the Ministry and Industry, demonstrating a commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Through strategic funding initiatives and policy advocacy, the Ministry has played a crucial role in creating an enabling environment for the Centre’s growth. This support has empowered the Centre to provide startups with essential resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, leading to a track record of successful ventures. The Ministry’s commitment reflects recognition of the KLE CTIE as a key driver of entrepreneurship, contributing to job creation and technological advancements. Such governmental backing ensures the sustained success and positive impact of the Centre in nurturing and propelling startups to success.
Our Story
The KLE CTIE owes its success to unwavering support from the Ministry and Industry, demonstrating a commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Through strategic funding initiatives and policy advocacy, the Ministry has played a crucial role in creating an enabling environment for the Centre’s growth. This support has empowered the Centre to provide startups with essential resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, leading to a track record of successful ventures. The Ministry’s commitment reflects recognition of the KLE CTIE as a key driver of entrepreneurship, contributing to job creation and technological advancements. Such governmental backing ensures the sustained success and positive impact of the Centre in nurturing and propelling startups to success.

Our Story
The KLE CTIE owes its success to unwavering support from the Ministry and Industry, demonstrating a commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Through strategic funding initiatives and policy advocacy, the Ministry has played a crucial role in creating an enabling environment for the Centre’s growth. This support has empowered the Centre to provide startups with essential resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, leading to a track record of successful ventures. The Ministry’s commitment reflects recognition of the KLE CTIE as a key driver of entrepreneurship, contributing to job creation and technological advancements. Such governmental backing ensures the sustained success and positive impact of the Centre in nurturing and propelling startups to success.

- Established in 2007 as Startup Street
- Registered as KLE CTIE in 2012
- Established Tech Park with 30,000 sq. ft. of incubation area in 2016
- Recognized as Technology Business Incubator (TBI) by DST, GoI in 2015
- Established Electronics Enabling Lab (EEL) with RF Testing Capabilities in 2019
- Recognized by Meity, GoI as TIDE 2.0 G2 Centre in 2019
- Collaborated with GoK & IESA to roll out Hubli ESDM eXchange (HEX) a ESDM Specific Incubation Centre in 2020
- Recognized by NSTEDB, DST as NIDHI Seed Support Scheme Centre in 2021
- Startup Seed Fund Scheme, The Startup India initiative of the Government of India 2023
- Additional KLE CTIE Centres @ KLE, Dr. M. S. Sheshagiri College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum and KLE IT Hubli 2023
- Recognised as Local Ecosystem Enabler in 2024